Charitable Activities

The company is also actively involved in public welfare activities. In addition to regularly organizing community activities and services such as community beach cleaning activities every six months, the company also occasionally initiates activities to donate used clothes and donate to socially disadvantaged families.

Material donation​

Adhering to the spirit of "Everyone is hungry, he is hungry", colleagues of Yitongzhan launched the "Because there is love, warmth is everywhere... end hunger! Subscribe for [Taiwan Sugar Frozen Dumplings] activity" was a complete success!
With the enthusiastic support and participation of colleagues, 200 packages of love dumplings collected by everyone were handed over to the Social Affairs Bureau of the Tainan City Government on Christmas Day, and they were awarded a certificate of appreciation.

Second hand clothing donation

At the end of the year and the cold winter, Yi Tongzhan calls on colleagues to make a break together!
With everyone's enthusiastic participation, we completed the collection of all types of clothing in just three days. Clothes were collected regardless of age, size, and style. This activity allowed the idle clothing in the wardrobe to be reborn.
In order to meet the needs of the Garden of Hope Foundation Love Material Sharing Center, the colleagues in charge carefully checked the clothes one by one for dirt, damage, pilling and odor before providing the fourteen boxes of clothes collected to the long-term the Garden of Hope Foundation, which focuses on the development of preparatory employment for disadvantaged women and provides services to disadvantaged families, successfully completed a second-hand clothing donation event.