Accountant Independence Assessment

The company's audit committee/board of directors regularly evaluates the independence and competency of its certified accountants every year. In addition to requiring the certified accountants to provide "Declaration of Detachment of Independence" and "Audit Quality Indicators (AQIs)" as a reference for evaluation, the evaluation is based on the following table its independence and competence. As a result of this year's evaluation, the accountants evaluated all meet the criteria for independence and competency.
The evaluation results of the independence and suitability of the certified accountants in 2023 were submitted to the audit committee for discussion and approval on November 10, 2023, and were submitted to the board of directors for discussion and resolution on November 10, 2023. It was approved that the evaluated accountants all meet the requirements of independence and suitability. Willful assessment.

1. Review of independence requirements

ItemContentEvaluation result
Yes / No
01The accountant himself, his spouse, and minor children do not have any investment or financial interest-sharing relationship with the company.VV
02The accountant himself, his spouse, and minor children do not have any funds or loans from the company. This does not apply if the principal is a financial institution and a person with normal dealings.VV
03The accounting firm has not issued a service report that ensures the effective operation of the financial information system designed or assisted in its execution.VV
04The accountants or members of the audit service team do not currently serve as directors or managers of the company or hold positions that have a significant impact on the audit case or in the past two years.VV
05There are no important items that directly affect the audit cases for the non-audit services provided by the Company.VV
06Accountants or members of the audit services team do not promote or broker stocks or other securities issued by the Company.VV
07Except for the business permitted by law, accountants or members of the audit service team do not represent the Company in defending legal cases or other disputes between the Company and third parties.VV
08The accountants or members of the audit service team do not have a spouse, direct blood relative, direct marriage relative, or second blood relative, or any other indirect blood relative, with the company's directors, managers, or persons with positions that have a significant impact on the audit case.VV
09The co-practising accountants who have resigned within one year do not hold positions as directors or managers of the company or have significant influence on audit cases.VV
10The accountants or members of the audit service team have not received gifts or special offers of significant value from the Company or its directors, managers or major shareholders.VV
11The accountant is not currently employed by the client or the person under investigation to perform regular work, receive a fixed salary, or serve as a director or supervisor.VV
12The accountant has not provided audit services to the Company for seven consecutive years.VV

2. Review of independent operations

ItemContentEvaluation result
Yes / No
01When the accountant has a direct or significant indirect interest in the commissioned matter that affects his or her impartiality and independence, the accountant has evaded the assignment and failed to undertake it.VV
02When accountants provide inspection, review, review or ad hoc review of financial statements and formulate opinions, in addition to maintaining independence in substance, they also maintain independence in form.VV
03Members of the audit service team, other jointly practicing accountants or shareholders of corporate accounting firms, accounting firms, firm-affiliated companies and alliance firms also maintain independence from the company.VV
04Accountants perform professional services with integrity and rigor.VV
05When performing professional services, accountants maintain a fair and objective stance and avoid bias, conflict of interest or interest from affecting professional judgment.VV
06The accountant's integrity, impartiality and objectivity have not been affected by the lack or loss of independence.VV

3. Suitability Review

ItemContentEvaluation result
Yes / No
01The accountant has no disciplinary record from the Accountants Disciplinary Committee in the past two years. This accounting firm has not been involved in any litigation cases in the past two years.VV
02The accounting firm has sufficient scale, resources and regional coverage to handle company audit services.VV
03Accounting firms have clear quality control procedures, covering aspects including the levels and key points of review procedures, methods of handling audit issues and judgments, independent quality control inspections, and risk management.VV
04The accounting firm has promptly notified the board of directors of any significant issues and developments in risk management, corporate governance, financial accounting and related risk control.VV