Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption and waste statistics, reduction targets, promotion measures and achievement status​

The company is in the communications network industry. Since 2014, all processing and production have been outsourced. We adhere to the concept of pollution prevention, comply with laws and regulations, continue to improve and optimize environmental management, and continuously improve the efficiency of various energy utilization, and implement it through strengthening publicity. Carbon reduction benefits.
We use the greenhouse gas inventory in 2021 as the base year, From 2021 to 2022, all have passed ISO14064-1: 2018 greenhouse gas inventory ,and respond to the government’s 2050 net-zero carbon emission policy as the goal, and promote the 20% carbon reduction target in 2030. Here we promote the use of environmentally friendly packaging materials, energy-saving electrical appliances, regular inspections of refrigerants, promote online meetings, reduce business trips and promote carpooling, promote meat-free days and other related measures and activities in order to achieve carbon reduction goals.
1. Since our company has no production process, the emissions in Category 1 and 2 are fugitive emission sources, such as refrigerants, fire extinguishers and purchased electricity. Category 3 is indirect greenhouse gas emissions, which are generated by business activities and are not Other indirect emissions owned or controllable by the enterprise, such as leasing, outsourcing, employee commuting, business travel, upstream and downstream transportation and distribution, etc., accounted for more than 99% of the overall emissions in the past two years. The greenhouse gas emission intensity in 2022 is 8.79, which is a significant decrease from 28.05 in 2021. The carbon reduction effect is excellent. For relevant statistics, please refer to the table below:
Category 1Category 2Category 3
Greenhouse gas emissions (metric tons CO2e)3.434.9640.6530.587,769.509,191.35
Intensity (metric tons of CO2e/millions of revenue)
2. The company’s main source of water is tap water, which is mainly used for employees’ livelihood. Due to the sunny climate in the south and less rain, water shortages have occurred in recent years. Water shortages occur every early summer. In addition to cooperating with the government’s propaganda and implementation of water conservation in daily life, We also use slogans to remind everyone to value and cherish water resources, and to ensure and implement improvements in overall water-saving efficiency in daily life to maximize the benefits of water resources.
The company’s water consumption in 2022 will be slightly lower than that in 2021 as the number of employees increases. The average water consumption per person dropped from 7.86 cubic meters to 6.98 cubic meters.
According to statistics from the Water Resources Department in 2022, the daily domestic water consumption per person is 288 liters. The company’s water consumption per person accounts for only 7.48% of my country’s daily domestic water consumption per person in 2021 and 6.64% in 2022, which shows the effectiveness of water conservation.
Water consumption statistics in the past 2 years are as follows:
YearWater consumption (cubic meters)
Total number of employees (person)
Annual water consumption per capita (cubic meters)
The company’s daily water consumption per person(L)
Daily water consumption per person
3. Our company belongs to the network communication product development industry and does not have a manufacturing factory. The waste is mainly generated by daily services of colleagues. Since the proportion of waste is not high, the waste disposal method is in accordance with local government regulations. Through energy conservation promotion, Raise environmental awareness, strengthen waste reduction policies such as paper recycling and reuse, and implement garbage classification and recycling to protect the environment and promote effective resource recycling.
In addition, the company will continue to work hard to develop green, energy-saving and environmentally friendly products, innovate and improve work processes, use environmentally friendly packaging materials and avoid excessive packaging of products, so as to reduce waste and carbon emissions generated in the production and sales process.
The waste statistics for the past 2 years are as follows:
ItemAmountNumber of peopleAverage production per personAmountNumber of peopleAverage production per person
Other domestic waste (tons)0.50371230.0041.6160138 0.01
Waste paper mixture (tons)0.98680.0080.86350.006
Total (tons)1.49050.012 2.47950.016